
Tab Hubbard dengan lif pesakit kayu.
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Hidroterapi, dahulunya dikenali sebagai hidropathi, membabitkan penggunaan air untuk melegakan kesakitan dan merawat penyakit. Istilah Hidroterapi itu sendiri adalah sinonim dengan istilah penawar air sebagaimana ia pada asalnya dipasarkan oleh pengamal dan promoter dalam abad ke-19. Hidroterapi pula adalah seseorang yang mengamalkan hidroterapi.

Penawar air kini terdapat dalam dua istilah yang bertentangan, yang boleh menyebabkan kekeliruan. (A) Rawatan penawar air - rawatan perubatan khusus oleh hidroterapi (B) Siksaan penawar air - satu bentuk penyeksaan di mana seseorang itu dipaksa untuk minum air dalam kuantiti yang besar. [1]

Pengertian yang digunakan dalam rencana ini adalah yang pertama, sinonim dengan istilah hidroterapi, dan yang mendahului penggunaan erti kata yang kedua yang direkodkan. [a]

Hidroterapi secara umumnya merangkumi pelbagai pendekatan dan istilah mereka. Ini terdiri daripada pendekatan dan takrifan yang sama ada secara semulajadi berbeza, atau dicipta bagi tujuan pemasaran, pendekatan dan takrifan yang bertindan dengan ketara, dan yang boleh menjadi sukar untuk diuraikan.

Satu pertindanan itu berkaitan dengan spa. Menurut Persatuan SPA Antarabangsa (ISPA), hidroterapi telah lama menjadi asas bagi spa di Eropah. Ia merupakan istilah generik bagi rawatan air menggunakan jet, mengurut dalam air dan mandian mineral (contohnya balneoterapi , rawatan Iodin-Grine, rawatan Kneipp , hos/pancuran Scotch, mandi Switzerland, thalassoterapi) dan lain-lain. Ia juga boleh bererti mandi pusaran air, mandian Rom panas, tab panas, jakuzi, terjun sejuk dan mandi mineral. Rawatan ini menggunakan sifat fizikal air, seperti suhu dan tekanan, bagi tujuan terapeutik, untuk merangsang peredaran darah dan merawat gejala penyakit tertentu.

Latar belakang sejarah

Pelbagai bentuk hidroterapi telah dicatatkan semasa tamadun-tamadun Mesir, Yunani dan Rom purba.[2][3][4][5][6] Kerabat diraja Mesir mandi dengan minyak pati bunga dan, manakala orang-orang Rom mandi beramai-ramai dalam kalangan warga mereka. Hippokrates mencadangkan mandi di mata air untuk merawat penyakit. Budaya lain yang terkenal dengan sejarah yang hidroterapi yang panjang termasuk China dan Jepun, [3] di Jepun biasanya ini tertumpu terutamanya di sekeliling mata air panas atau "onsen"). Kebanyakannya mendahului sejarah Thermae Rom.

Selepas kelihatannya terhapus semasa Zaman Pertengahan, hidroterapi telah kembali semula pada abad 18 dan 19 oleh mereka seperti J.S.Hahn, MD, (1696–1773),[7] Philippe Pinel, Vincent Priessnitz (1799–1851),[4] Professor E.F.C. Oertel (1764–1850),[8][9] and J.H. Rausse (1805–1848).[10][11]

Semasa abad ke-19, kebangkitan kepopularan semula diikuti penggunaan hidroterapi sekitar 1829 oleh Priessnitz, seorang petani ladang di Gräfenberg yang ketika itu merupakan sebahagian daripada Empayar Austria.[4][12][13][14] Kebangkitan ini telah diteruskan oleh paderi Bavarian, Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897), "pengikut yang berkebolehan dan bersemangat" bagi Priessnitz, "yang usahanya telah menyambung di mana ditinggalkan oleh Priessnitz",[15] selepas dia membaca suatu risalah mengenai penawar air sejuk.[16][17] Di Wörishofen (selatan Jerman), Kneipp membangunkan penggunaan hidroterapi sistematik dan terkawal sebagai rawatan perubatan sokongan yang diberikan oleh doktor pada masa itu. Buku Kneipp sendiri Penyembuh Air Saya telah diterbitkan pada tahun 1886 dengan banyak edisi berikutnya, dan diterjemahkan ke dalam banyak bahasa.

Satu faktor penting mengenai kebangkitan popular hidroterapi adalah bahawa ia boleh diamalkan dengan agak murah di rumah. Pertumbuhan hidroterapi (atau 'rawatan hidropathi air' bagi nama masa itu), dengan itu terhasil dari dua sfera bertindak balas: "hidro dan rumah".[18]

Penggunaan air sejuk

Krioterapi, rendaman air sejuk atau mandian ais merupakan satu lagi bentuk hidroterapi yang digunakan oleh ahli-ahli terapi fizikal, kemudahan perubatan sukan dan klinik pemulihan. Penyokong mendakwa peningkatan aliran darah yang baik dan hasil sampingan penguraian sel ke sistem limfa dan kitar semula yang lebih cekap.[19]

Hidroterapi selaman

Hidroterapi yang membabitkan menenggelamkan sebahagian atau keseluruhan bahagian tubuh dalam air boleh membabitkan beberapa jenis peralatan:

  • Tangki penengelaman badan sepenuhnya ("tangki Hubbard" bersaiz besar)
  • Arm, hip, and leg whirlpool

Pergerakan pusaran air, dihasilkan oleh pam mekanikal, telah digunakan dalam tangki air sejak seawal 1940-an. Teknologi serupa telah digunakan bagi tujuan riadah di bawah istilah "tub air panas" atau "spa".

Pusat Hidropathik

Pusat Hidropathik merupakan tempat orang menerima rawatan hidropathik. Ia biasanya di bina di bandar spa, di mana air yang kaya dengan galian atau mata air panas wujud secara semula jadi.

Beberapa Pusat Hidropathik mengubah operasi mereka dari tujuan therapeutik kepada menjadi hotel pelancong sepenuhnya pada akhir abad ke-20 sementara masih mengekalkan nama 'Hidro'. Terdapat beberapa contoh terkemuka di Scotland di Crieff, Peebles dan Seamill antara lainnya.

Contoh kemudahan


Note: For European and U.K. establishments, where there is no citation alongside an establishment, it is safe to assume that reference to it was found in one of the citations placed atop the list for efficiency. Additional citations are added where there is also another source of interest.


List as at 1840 by Claridge,[20] with additional citations. Geographical names per that era.

Austria, Silesia

  • Graefenberg (Priessnitz's establishment), Graefenberg, Silesia (c.1829~?).[4][20]
  • Dr Joseph Weiss' hydro, Freiwaldau, Silesia (1831~1841).[4][20]
  • Karlsbrunn (between Freiwaldau, Jagerndorf & Feidenthal). Dr Malik
  • Weidenau, on the slopes of the Sudates. Dr Frolich.
  • Schroth's establishment, Lindeweise, Silesia.[4]

Archduchy of Austria

  • Dr Wilhelm Winternitz's establishment, Kaltenleutgeben, Austria (June 1865-?).[4][21]
  • Laale, near Kaltenleutgeben. Dr. Granichstadten, author of Hydriasiologia.
  • Dr Johan Emmel's Priesnitz Establishment, Kaltenleutgeben, Wienerwald, Austria (1835-?).[4][20]


  • Elisenbad, Near Chrudin. Dr. Weidenhoffer.
  • Dobrawitz, near Jungbunzlau. Dr. Schmidt.
  • Leitmeritz. Dr. Lauda.
  • Kuechelbad, near Prague. Dr. Kanzler.


  • Czenrahora, around Olmutz.
  • Sulowitz, near Brunn.
  • Hoznau, near Prerau
  • Budischan, near Iglau
  • Gross Ullersdorf, near Olmutz. Dr. Gross

Hungary and Transylvania

  • Peterwardein (director unknown to Claridge)
  • Oedenburg (director unknown to Claridge)
  • Hermanstadt (director unknown to Claridge)
  • Muhlan, near Inspruck, in the Tyrol. Dr. Fritz


  • Oberrigk, near Trebnitz & Breslau. Dr. Lehman
  • Alt Scheitnig, near Breslau. Dr. Burkner.
  • Berlin. Directed by Major Plehwe, partner Dr. Beck.
  • Marienbad.
  • Bendler Strosse, No. 8, Berlin. Dr. Moser. Plus 3rd Berlin establishment
  • Koethen, near Berlin. Mr Falkenstein, author of The wonderful cures of Graefenberg.
  • Gorhrishowo, near Bromberg, in Grand Duchy of Posen. Dr. Barschewitz.
  • Kunzendorf, near Neurode, in province of Glatz. Mr Niederfuhr.
  • Marienberg, near Boppard around Coblentz. Dr. Schmitz, editor of the Journal on Hydropathy.


  • Alexandersbad Hydropathic Establishment, near Wunsiedel. Dr. Fickentscher/Fikenher. (pre-1840-1860s+).[22][20]
  • Streitberg, between Erlangen and Baireuth
  • Schafllarn, near Munich. Dr. Horner
  • Munich, Nymphenburg Strasse, No.86
  • Lake Starnberg. Dr. Schnitzlein, also author of a work on Hydropathy.
  • Schallersdorf, near Erlangen. Professor Dr. Fleischmann.
  • Dr. Oertel, Anspach.


  • Dr. Bentsch, near Ulm.


  • Dr. Muller, in Swiss Saxony, near Pirna in Bila valley.
  • Kreischa, near Dresden. Dr. Stecher.
  • Muldenthal, near Frieberg. Mr. Munde, author of a hydropathic work.

Saxe Gotha

  • Elgersburg. Dr. Piutti, appointed by Duke of Saxe Coburg Gotha in 1838

Saxe Weimar

  • Ilmenau hydropathic establishment (Drs Schwabe, Fitzler, Baumbach, Preller) (c.1841-1865+).[22][23] (Claridge says "Dr Sitzler")


  • Kaulnitz. Director not named.


  • Warsaw. Dr. Sauvan


  • St. Petersburg. Dr. Harnish.


  • Ghent. Practitioner unknown.
  • Another near Brussels. Practitioner unknown.


  • Dr. Bigel, Strasburg.
  • Dr. Baldau, Paris.
  • Dr Beni-Barden's establishment, Auteuil, near Paris.[4]
  • Dr Fleury's hydropathic establishment, Bellevne, France (c.1860-?).[4]


  • Tiefenau, near Elgg, Canton of Zurich, Switzerland, hydropathic establishment (Dr. Winkler) (c.1860s-?).[22]
  • Dr J.H. Rausse's establishment, Mecklenburg, Germany (c.1837-?).[10]

United Kingdom[24][25]


  • Stand Steadbury, Hertfordshire (founded by Weiss) (1841-?).[21][26]
  • Grafenberg House, Malvern, (founder Dr James Wilson) (June 1842-c1867 - death of Wilson).[21]
  • Tudor House, Malvern founder Dr James Manby Gully (October 1842-c1872 - retirement of Gully).[21]
  • Sudbrook Park, Richmond, Surrey (founder, Weiss) (1844-?).[26]
  • Ben Rhydding Hydro, Ilkley, Yorkshire. (1844–1939)[24][21][27]
  • Metcalfe's London Hydro (1898–1919).[25]
  • Smedley's Hydro, Matlock, Derbyshire (1860s-1950s)
  • West of England Hydro, Limpley Stoke (1862~1899).[28]
Scotland, 19th century[24][25]
  • Angusfield, Aberdeen (1850 - )
  • Athole, Pithlocry (1880 - )
  • Bridge of Allan (1855~1886+)
  • Callander (1882 - )
  • Cluny Hill, at Forres (1864~1874+)
  • Crieff, at Crieff (1868-current)
  • Craiglockhart Hydropathic, Edinburgh (1880~1915)
  • Deeside, near Cults [1874 (Heathcote) and 1899 (Murtle)]
  • Dunblane (Philps?), at Dunblane (1870~1936?)
  • Edinburgh, now part of St. Dunstans
  • Gilmour Hill, Glasgow (c.1857 - )
  • Glenburn, Rothesay, Bute (1843 - )
  • Kilmacolm (1880–1882)
  • Kim Pier, Dunoon (1846-)
  • Kyles of Bute, Port Bannantyne, Bute (1877 - )
  • Lochhead: Aberdeen (1851~1868).[29]
  • Peebles, at Peebles (1881-current)
  • Pitlochry, at Pithlochry (1879 - )
  • Seamill, near West Kilbride (1880 - )
  • Shandon, near Helensburgh (~1877~1919).[30]
  • Skelmorlie, Wemyss Bay (1880~1984)
  • St Helens and Waverly: Melrose (1869 )

Scotland, 1920s[24]

  • Ard-Gairney Private Hydropathic, Kinross
  • Atholl Hotel Hydro, St. Andrews
  • Garrison Hydro, Millport
  • Grampian Hills Hydro, Crieff.
  • Taymouth Castle Hydro, Taymouth


  • Dr Curtin's Hydropathic Establishment, Glenbrook, County Cork (1858~1870s).[31]
  • St Ann's Hydropathic Establishment, Blarney, Co.Cork. (Founder Dr Richard Barter [31][32]
  • Llandudno Hydropathic Establishment (c.1872~1905).[33]
  • Unclear
    • The Rick James Institute.[perlu rujukan]

United States of America

  • First known establishment at No. 63 Barclay St., New York. (1844-?). Proprietor David Campbell Physician Joel Shew.[34]
  • New Lebanon Springs Water-Cure, Albany (2nd Dr Shew establishment), (May 1845-).[34][35][36]
  • Brattleborough Hydropathic Establishment, aka Dr. Robert Wesselhoeft's water cure house (c.1844-1871).[35][37] 3rd in U.S.A.[38]
  • David Ruggles' water cure house, Florence, Massachusetts (c.1844-1849).[39][40]
  • Oyster Bay water cure, Long Island (3rd Dr Shew estab.), (1847-).[36]
  • Dr. E.E. Denniston's Round Hill Water-Cure, Northhampton, Massachusetts (1847-1860+).[36][41]
  • Cleveland Water Cure Establishment, Cleveland, Ohio (1848–1868).[42][43]
  • Dr Munde's Florence Water Cure (c.1850 - ?).[44][45][46][47][40]
  • Oswego Water Cure, Oswego, New York (c.1850s).[36]
  • Dr. Henry Foster's Clifton Springs Sanitarium (c.mid-to-late 19th century).[36]
  • Battle Creek Sanitarium (1866-World War II).[48]
  • Pennoyer's Kenosha Water Cure, Wisconsin (C.1870-1890).[49][50]
  • Pennoyer Sanitarium (followed on from Kenosha Water Cure after fire: 1890-?).[50]


a. ^ While the second sense, of water as a form of torture is documented back to at least the 15th century,[51] the first use of the term Water cure as a torture is indirectly dated to around 1898, by U.S. soldiers in the Spanish-American war,[52] after the term had been introduced to America in the mid-19th century in the therapeutic sense, which was in widespread use.[4] Indeed, while the torture sense of water cure was by 1900-1902 established in the American army,[53][54] with a conscious sense of irony,[55][56] this sense was not in widespread use. Webster's 1913 dictionary cited only the therapeutic sense, water cure being synonymous with hydropathy,[57] the term by which hydrotherapy was known in the 19th century and early 20th century.[4][58]

The late 19th century expropriation of the term water cure, already in use in the therapeutic sense, to denote the polar opposite of therapy, namely torture, has the hallmark of arising in the sense of irony. This would be in keeping with some of the reactions to water cure therapy and its promotion, which included not only criticism, but also parody and satire.[59][60]


  1. ^ Angus Stevenson, penyunting (2007). "Definition of Water Cure". Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. 2: N-Z (ed. 6th). Oxford: Oxford University Press. m/s. 3586. ISBN 978-0-19-920687-2. Note: Definition is under the general listing for water (noun), alphabetically in the sub-listing for phrases. This section begins on p.3585, but the definition for Water Cure is found in the top part of the first column on p.3586. The phrases are in alphabetical order, so it's just a matter of going down the list.
  2. ^ John Floyer & Edward Batnard (1715. First version published 1702). Psychrolousia. Or, the History of Cold Bathing: Both Ancient and Modern. In Two Parts. The First, written by Sir John Floyer, of Litchfield. The Second, treating the genuine life of Hot and Cold Baths..(exceedingly long subtitles) by Dr. Edward Batnard. London: William Innys. Fourth Edition, with Appendix. Dicapai pada 2009-10-22. Check date values in: |year= (bantuan) Full text at Internet Archive (archive.org)
  3. ^ a b Metcalfe, Richard (1877). Sanitus Sanitum et omnia Sanitus. Vol.1. London: The Co-operative Printing Co. Dicapai pada 2009-11-04. |volume= has extra text (bantuan) Full text at Internet Archive (archive.org)
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Metcalfe, Richard (1898). Life of Vincent Priessnitz, Founder of Hydropathy. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd. Dicapai pada 3 December 2009. Full text at Internet Archive (archive.org)
  5. ^ Wilson, Erasmus (1861). The Eastern or Turkish Bath; Its History, Rebirth in Britain, and Application to the Purposes of Health. London: John Churchill. Dicapai pada 2009-11-08.. Full text at Internet Archive (archive.org)
  6. ^ "Baths". 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica. Dicapai pada 2009-11-05.
  7. ^ Hahn, J.S. (1738). On the Power and Effect of Cold Water. Cited in Richard Metcalfe (1898), pp.5-6. Per Encyclopædia Britannica, this was also titled On the Healing Virtues of Cold Water, Inwardly and Outwardly applied, as proved by Experience
  8. ^ Metcalfe, Richard (1898), pp.8, 77, 121, 128, 191, 206, 208, 210. Note: Type "Oertel" into search field to find citations.
  9. ^ Claridge, Capt. R.T. (1843, 8th ed), pp.14 49, 54, 57, 68, 322, 335. Note: Pagination in online field does not match book pagination. Type "Oertel" into search field to find citations.
  10. ^ a b Rausse, J.H. (1850). The Water-Cure, applied to Every Known Disease (ed. 3rd, enlarged & improved). New York: Fowlers & Wells. Dicapai pada December 12, 2009. Unknown parameter |coauthor= ignored (|author= suggested) (bantuan)
  11. ^ Rothschuh, K.E (1981). "The conceptualization of hydrotherapy in the 19th century. J. H. Rausse, Theodor Hahn, Lorenz Gleich". Gesnerus. 38 (1–2): 175–90. PMID 7014376.
  12. ^ Claridge, Capt. R.T. (1843). Hydropathy; or The Cold Water Cure, as practiced by Vincent Priessnitz, at Graefenberg, Silesia, Austria (ed. 5th). London: James Madden and Co.
  13. ^ Claridge, Capt. R.T. (1843). Hydropathy; or The Cold Water Cure, as practiced by Vincent Priessnitz, at Graefenberg, Silesia, Austria (ed. 8th). London: James Madden and Co. Dicapai pada 2009-10-29. Full text at Internet Archive (archive.org). Note: The "Advertisement", pp.v-xi, appears from the 5th ed onwards, so references to time pertain to time as at 5th edition.
  14. ^ Bradley, James (2003). Cold cure: Hydrotherapy had exotic origins, but became a firm favourite of the Victorian elite. Wellcome Trust: News and Features. Dicapai pada November 17, 2009.
  15. ^ Metcalfe, Richard (1898), p.117
  16. ^ Metcalfe, Richard (1898), p.120
  17. ^ Kneipp, Sebastian (1891). My Water Cure, As Tested Through More than Thirty Years, and Described for the Healing of Diseases and the Preservation of Health. Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood & Sons. Dicapai pada 3 December 2009. translation from the 30th German edition. Full text at Internet Archive (archive.org).
  18. ^ Marland, Hilary & Adams, Jane (2009). "Hydropathy at Home: : The Water Cure and Domestic Healing in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Britain". Bulletin of the History of Medicine. 83 (3): 499–529. doi:10.1353/bhm.0.0251. PMC 2774269. PMID 19801794.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  19. ^ "Benefits of Ice Baths from Runner's World.com". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 2012-10-22. Dicapai pada 2012-04-21.
  20. ^ a b c d e Claridge, Capt. R.T. (1843), Chapter XX. List of Hydropathic Establishments up to the end of the year 1840. pp.333-336 (n331-n334 in electronic page field).
  21. ^ a b c d e Price, Robin (July 1981). "Hydropathy in England 1840-70". Medical History. 25 (3): 269–280. PMC 1139039. PMID 7022064.
  22. ^ a b c Sutro (M.D.), Sigismund (1865). Lectures on the German Mineral Waters, and on their rational employment. With appendix on principal European spas and climatic health-resorts (ed. 2nd). London: Longmans, Green & Co. m/s. 340. Dicapai pada 13 December 2009. Cites doctors practicing at Ilmenau's hydropathic establishment.
  23. ^ Abdy, E.S. (1842). "The Water Cure: Cases of disease cured by cold water". translated from the German. London: Charles Gilpin. Dicapai pada 13 December 2009. Ilmenau mentioned several places, but see p.vi for reference to Dr Fitzler.
  24. ^ a b c d Bradley, James; Dupree, Mageurite; Durie, Alastair (1997), pp.426-437
  25. ^ a b c Shifrin, Malcolm (Last updated 3 October 2008). "Victorian Turkish Baths Directory". Victorian Turkish Baths: Their origin, development, and gradual decline. Dicapai pada 12 December 2009. Check date values in: |date= (bantuan)
  26. ^ a b Metcalfe, R. (1898), p.172
  27. ^ Shifrin, Malcolm (Last updated 3 October 2008). "Ilkley: Ben Rhydding Hydro". Victorian Turkish Baths: Their origin, development, and gradual decline. Dicapai pada 12 December 2009. Check date values in: |date= (bantuan)
  28. ^ Shifrin, Malcolm (Last updated 3 October 2008). "The West of England Hydro, Limpley Stoke". Victorian Turkish Baths: Their origin, development, and gradual decline. Dicapai pada 12 December 2009. Check date values in: |date= (bantuan)
  29. ^ Shifrin, Malcolm (Last updated 3 October 2008). "Aberdeen: Lochhead". Victorian Turkish Baths: Their origin, development, and gradual decline. Dicapai pada 12 December 2009. Check date values in: |date= (bantuan)
  30. ^ Shifrin, Malcolm (Last updated 3 October 2008). "Shandon Hydropathic Establishment: Dunbartonshire, Scotland". Victorian Turkish Baths: Their origin, development, and gradual decline. Dicapai pada 12 December 2009. Check date values in: |date= (bantuan). Note date discrepancies between Shifrin and Bradley, Dupree & Durie appear to depend on what aspect is being discussed. E.g., purchase of building, establishment and liquidation of operating company, demolishment of building.
  31. ^ a b Shifrin, Malcolm (Last updated 3 October 2008). "Dr Curtin's Hydropathic Establishment: Glenbrook, Co.Cork". Victorian Turkish Baths: Their origin, development, and gradual decline. Dicapai pada 12 December 2009. Check date values in: |date= (bantuan)
  32. ^ Shifrin, Malcolm (Last updated 3 October 2008). "St Ann's Hydropathic Establishment, Blarney, Co.Cork". Victorian Turkish Baths: Their origin, development, and gradual decline. Dicapai pada 12 December 2009. Check date values in: |date= (bantuan)
  33. ^ Shifrin, Malcolm (Last updated 3 October 2008). "Llandudno Hydropathic Establishment". Victorian Turkish Baths: Their origin, development, and gradual decline. Dicapai pada 12 December 2009. Check date values in: |date= (bantuan)
  34. ^ a b Dalton, J.C (1879). "Hydropathy". Dalam George Ripley & Charles A. Dana (penyunting). The [[American Cyclopedia]]: A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. Vol IX: Hortensius to Kinglake (ed. 2nd). New York: D. Appleton & Co. m/s. 126. Dicapai pada 13 June 2010. |volume= has extra text (bantuan); URL–a conflict (bantuan)
  35. ^ a b Nichols, Mary S. Gove (1855). "Experience in the Water Cure: A familiar exposition of the Principles and Results of Water Treatment, in the Cure of Acute and Chronic Diseases". in Fowlers and Wells' Water-Cure Library: Embracing all the most popular works on the subject. Vol. 2 of 7. New York: Fowlers and Wells. m/s. 30 (n85 in electronic page field). Dicapai pada 2009-10-29. |volume= has extra text (bantuan) Full text at Internet Archive (archive.org).
  36. ^ a b c d e Samaritan Medical Center (September 2008). "Stonewall Jackson and the Henderson Hydropath". in Samaritan Medical Center Newsletter (PDF). No.42. Dicapai pada 13 December 2009.[pautan mati kekal]
  37. ^ Virtual Vermont -- Brattleboro
  38. ^ Cabot, Mary R. (Ed.) (1922). The Annals of Brattleboro 1681-1895. Vol. 2 of 2. Brattleboro, Vermont: E.L. Hildreth & Co. Dicapai pada 14 December 2009. |volume= has extra text (bantuan)CS1 maint: extra text: authors list (link) Full text at Internet Archive (archive.org).
  39. ^ Sheffeld, Charles A, penyunting (1895). "The History of Florence, Massachusetts". Including a complete account of the Northhampton Association of Education and Industry. Forence, Massachusetts: published by the author. m/s. 107. Dicapai pada 16 December 2009. Full text at Internet Archives.
  40. ^ a b Strimer, Steve (2006). "David Ruggles in Florence, Massachusetts". Dicapai pada 16 December 2009. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (bantuan); Cite journal requires |journal= (bantuan)
  41. ^ "Library record for Round Hill Water Cure Northampton M Drawn by E.W. Farmer Jan: 17th 1856". Contributed to database by Libraries Australia. Dicapai pada 14 December 2009.
  42. ^ Grabowski, John; Van Tassel, David (1997). "Cleveland Water Cure Establishment". The encyclopedia of Cleveland History. (Alternate title: The dictionary of Cleveland Biography). Dicapai pada 11 December 2009.
  43. ^ "Cleveland, Ohio (1868) Cleveland Jewish Orphanage Asylum". Jewish Orphanages in the United States. Dicapai pada 11 December 2009.
  44. ^ Munde, M.D., Charles (1857). Hydriatic Treatment of Scarlet Fever in its different forms: How to save, through a systematic application of the water-cure, many thousands of lives and healths, which now annually perish. New York: William Radde. Dicapai pada 2009-11-02. Full text at Gutenberg.org
  45. ^ Munde, M.D., Charles (1857). Hydriatic Treatment of Scarlet Fever in its different forms: How to save, through a systematic application of the water-cure, many thousands of lives and healths, which now annually perish. New York: William Radde. Dicapai pada 2009-11-02. Full text at Internet Archive (archive.org). Easier to search, but missing p.vi of the preface, which names the Florence Water-Cure establishment. That page is present in the Gutenberg version.
  46. ^ Munde, M.D., Charles (1857). Hydriatic Treatment of Scarlet Fever in its different forms: How to save, through a systematic application of the water-cure, many thousands of lives and healths, which now annually perish. New York: William Radde. Dicapai pada 2009-11-02. Full text at Internet Archive (archive.org). Alternative version which has p.vi present, but no other part of the preface.
  47. ^ Munde, Paul F., M.D (1895). "The Munde Water Cure". Dalam Charles A. Sheffeld (ed.) (penyunting). The History of Florence, Massachusetts. Forence, Massachusetts: published by the editor. m/s. 190–193. Dicapai pada 16 December 2009.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: extra text: editors list (link) Full text at Internet Archives.
  48. ^ Kellogg, J.H., M.D., Superintendent (1908). The Battle Creek Sanitarium System. History, Organisation, Methods. Michigan: Battle Creek. Dicapai pada 2009-10-30. Full text at Internet Archive (archive.org)
  49. ^ "Nelson A. Pennoyer, M.D.". in The State of Wisconsin Collection. Dicapai pada 14 December 2009.
  50. ^ a b "Pennoyer Sanitarium". in The State of Wisconsin Collection. Dicapai pada 14 December 2009.
  51. ^ Eric Weiner (2007-11-03). "Waterboarding: A Tortured History". National Public Radio.
  52. ^ Evan Wallach (2007-11-02). "Waterboarding Used to Be a Crime". Washington Post.
  53. ^ Paul Kramer (2008). "The Water Cure". The New Yorker. Dicapai pada 6 December 2009. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (bantuan) (Article describing the U.S. military expropriation of 'water cure' to denote a form of torture, with acknowledgement by one accused (p.3) of the difference in popular understanding, from the sense used by the military)
  54. ^ Sidney Lens (2003). The Forging of the American Empire: From the Revolution to Vietnam: A History of U.S. Imperialism. Pluto Press. m/s. 188. ISBN 0745321003.
  55. ^ Sturtz, Homer Clyde (1907). "The water cure from a missionary point of view". from the 'Central Christian Advocate,' Kansas, June 4, 1902. Kansas. Dicapai pada 6 December 2009. Cite has empty unknown parameter: |month= (bantuan)
  56. ^ Sturtz, Homer Clyde (1907). "The water cure from a missionary point of view". from the 'Central Christian Advocate,' Kansas, June 4, 1902 (scanned copy of original article). Kansas. Dicapai pada 12 December 2009. Cite has empty unknown parameter: |month= (bantuan)
  57. ^ "Water cure definition per Webster's 1913 dictionary". Dicapai pada 6 December 2009. Cite has empty unknown parameter: |dateformat= (bantuan)
  58. ^ Unsigned article (1910). "Hydropathy". Dalam … (penyunting). Encyclopædia Britannica. XIV. London. m/s. 165–166. Dicapai pada 2009-10-29.CS1 maint: numeric names: editors list (link) Full text at Internet Archive (archive.org)
  59. ^ Thomas Hood, penyunting (1842). "Review of Hydropathy, or The Cold Water Cure". The Monthly Magazine and Humourist. 64. London: Henry Colburn. m/s. 432–435.
  60. ^ The Larks (1897). The Shakespeare Water Cure: A Burlesque Comedy in Three Acts. New York: Harold Roorbach. Dicapai pada 6 December 2009. Full text at Internet Archive (archive.org)

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Public Domain Rencana ini menggabungkan dan menterjemah teks dari penerbitan sekarang di domain awamChisholm, Hugh, penyunting (1911). Encyclopædia Britannica (dalam bahasa Inggeris) (ed. ke-11). Cambridge University Press. Missing or empty |title= (bantuan)

Bacaan lanjut

  • Hydrotherapy - myHydros.org | All About Water
  • Abbott, George Knapp (2007). "Elements of Hydrotherapy for Nurses". Brushton, New York: Teach Services, Inc. ISBN 978-1-57258-521-8. Dicapai pada 16 October 2010 Cite journal requires |journal= (bantuan)CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Campion, Margaret Reid, penyunting (2001. First published 1997). Hydrotherapy: Principles and Practice. Woburn, Massachusetts: Butterworth=Heineman. ISBN 0-7506-2261-X. Dicapai pada 16 October 2010 Check date values in: |date= (bantuan)CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Cayleff, Susan E (1991). Wash and Be Healed: The Water-Cure Movement and Women's Health. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. ISBN 0-87722-859-0. Dicapai pada 15 February 2011.
  • Dail, Clarence; Thomas, Charles (1989). "Hydrotherapy: Simple Treatments for Common Ailments". Brushton, New York: Teach Services, Inc. ISBN 0-945383-08-8. Dicapai pada 16 October 2010 Cite journal requires |journal= (bantuan)CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Grüber, C; Riesberg, A; Mansmann, U; Knipschild, P; Wahn, U; Bühring, M (2003). "The effect of hydrotherapy on the incidence of common cold episodes in children: a randomised clinical trial". European journal of pediatrics. 162 (3): 168–76. doi:10.1007/s00431-002-1138-y. PMID 12655421. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (bantuan)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  • Landewé, Rb; Peeters, R; Verreussel, Rl; Masek, Ba; Goei, The, Hs (1992). "No difference in effectiveness measured between treatment in a thermal bath and in an exercise bath in patients with rheumatoid arthritis" (Free full text). Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde. 136 (4): 173–6. ISSN 0028-2162. PMID 1736128. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (bantuan)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  • Sinclair, Marybetts (2008). "Modern Hydrotherapy for the Massage Therapist". Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN 0781792096. Dicapai pada 16 October 2010 Cite journal requires |journal= (bantuan)CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Thrash, Agatha (1981). Home Remedies: Hydrotherapy, Massage, Charcoal and Other Simple Treatments. Seale, Alabama: Thrash Publications. ISBN 0-942658-02-7  (One of the most concise, well-referenced, well-illustrated and informative books produced on the topic of hydrotherapy) Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (bantuan)CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Unsigned article (1910). "Hydropathy". Dalam … (penyunting). Encyclopædia Britannica. XIV. London. m/s. 165–166. Dicapai pada 2009-10-29.CS1 maint: numeric names: editors list (link)