One Size Fits All

One Size Fits All
Frank Zappa i The Mothers of Invention
Žanr Progresivni rock
Hard rock
Izašlo 25. lipnja 1975.g.
Razdoblje snimanja prosinac 1974.
travanj 1975.
Record Plant Studios
Los Angeles; Caribou Ranch, Nederland
CO; and Paramount Studios
Los Angeles
Trajanje 42 min : 55 sek
Izdavač DiscReet Records
Producent(i) Frank Zappa

  • All Music Guide
  • Robert Christgau (B-)
Mjesto u diskografiji Roxy & Elsewhere

One Size Fits All
Bongo Fury

One Size Fits All studijski je album američkog glazbenika Frank Zappe i grupe The Mothers of Invention koji je izašao u lipnju 1975.g. Materijal na albumu je bio vrlo dobar i dolazio je s raznih strana. Između ostalog tu se našao jedan televizijski nastup u živo i koncertna premijera sa prethodnog albuma u Helsinkiju. Bilo je planirano da album izađe u kvadrofonik verziji, međutim nikada kao takav nije objavljen. Na albumu u dvije skladbe sudjeluje jedan od velikih Zappinih miljenika Johnny "Guitar" Watson.

Popis pjesama

Sve pjesme napisao je Frank Zappa.

  1. "Inca Roads" – 8:45
  2. "Can't Afford No Shoes" – 2:38
  3. "Sofa No. 1" – 2:39
  4. "Po-Jama People" – 7:39
  5. "Florentine Pogen" – 5:27
  6. "Evelyn, a Modified Dog" – 1:04
  7. "San Ber'dino" – 5:57
  8. "Andy" – 6:04
  9. "Sofa No. 2" – 2:42



  • Kerry McNabb – projekcija, remix
  • Cal Schenkel – dizajn, ilustracija, slike
  • Robert Stone – projekcija
  • Michael Braunstein – projekcija
  • Unity – asistent projekcije
  • Dick Barber – asistent projekcije
  • Gary O. – projekcija
  • Ferenc Dobronyi – dizajn
  • J.E. Tully – dizajn
  • Coy Featherstone – asistent projekcije
  • Paul Hof – asistent projekcije
  • Matti Laipio – glas, asistent projekcije
  • Bill Romero – glas, asistent projekcije
  • Richard "Tex" Abel – asistent projekcije
  • Jukka – projekcija

Eksterni linkovi

  • Informacije na Lyricsu
  • Detalji o izlasku albuma
Frank Zappa
Studijski albumi: Freak Out!Absolutely FreeWe're Only in It for the MoneyLumpy GravyCruising with Ruben & the JetsUncle MeatHot RatsBurnt Weeny SandwichWeasels Ripped My FleshChunga's RevengeFillmore East - June 1971200 MotelsJust Another Band from L.A.Waka/JawakaThe Grand WazooOver-Nite Sensation • Apostrophe (') • Roxy & Elsewhere • One Size Fits All • Bongo FuryZoot AlluresZappa in New YorkStudio TanSleep DirtSheik YerboutiOrchestral FavoritesJoe's GarageTinsel Town RebellionShut Up 'n Play Yer GuitarYou Are What You IsShip Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning WitchThe Man From UtopiaBaby SnakesLondon Symphony Orchestra, Vol. 1 • Boulez Conducts Zappa: The Perfect Stranger • Them or UsThing-FishFrancesco ZappaFrank Zappa Meets the Mothers of PreventionDoes Humor Belong in Music?Jazz from HellLondon Symphony Orchestra, Vol. 2GuitarYou Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 1You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 2Broadway the Hard WayYou Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 3The Best Band You Never Heard in Your LifeYou Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 4Make a Jazz Noise HereYou Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 5You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 6Playground PsychoticsAhead of Their TimeThe Yellow Shark
Kompilacije: MothermaniaThe Guitar World According to Frank ZappaStrictly Commercial • Frank Zappa Plays the Music of Frank Zappa: A Memorial Tribute • Have I Offended Someone?Strictly GenteelQuAUDIOPHILIAcThe Frank Zappa AAAFNRAA Birthday Bundle
Albumi poslije smrti: Civilization Phaze IIIThe Lost EpisodesLätherMystery DiscEverything Is Healing Nicely • FZ:OZ • Halloween • Joe's CorsageJoe's DomageJoe's XMASageImaginary DiseasesTrance-Fusion • Buffalo • The Dub Room Special • Wazoo
Box izdanja: The Old Masters Box OneThe Old Masters Box TwoThe Old Masters Box ThreeBeat the BootsBeat the Boots IIThe MOFO Project/Object
Film i video: 200 Motels • Baby Snakes • The Dub Room Special • Video from Hell • Does Humor Belong in Music? • The True Story of Frank Zappa's 200 Motels • The Amazing Mr. Bickford • Uncle Meat
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